News and tips
Posted on Sunday, 10th September 2017
Ok so you said just one last one, but the rest of your group wanted to stay on and you could not resist...
Now it is the morning and you are regretting those choices. Your head is banging, your tongue is feeling like a cotton wool bud has exploded in your mouth and there is a cold kebab lying next to your bed, which you instantly stepped in when you got up. Here are a few tips to get you through the next few hours of pain and suffering that is your hangover.
First you need to replace the water you lost over night, due to peeing. Alcohol makes you pee more, which is how you get dehydrated. The best idea is to drink before you go to bed, but as it is now too late to do that, you must suffer the hangover. Drink water, though, you can add some cordial for taste. You could try coffee, sodas, or isotonic drinks later, if your stomach can handle them.
You may need to take an antacid to settle your stomach if that kebab is still playing havoc with your insides. Sugary food will help with those shakes and that wasted feeling, so, Sugar puffs for breakfast. A thin soup for lunch will aid the digestion for that delicate tummy. Keep your evening meal light, so, some chicken or pasta. We recommend Just Eat after a day's rest, return home via Chino's if you're on London Road, Harlequin's if on Ecclesall Road.
If your head is really pounding or you have cramps, a few painkillers will help. Take your usual aspirin, paracetamol, or ibuprofen. Only take as many as recommended on the packet.
Do not stay in bed all day, it will prolong the suffering. Get out after lunch and have a short walk to help clear your headache, Peak Distict is a beautiful cure. It will also help stretch your legs and get the blood pumping round to help flush the rest of the alcohol from your system.
Do not do it! This is a myth and it needs debunking. Although it may seem to work, all it is doing is masking the symptoms and building up more trouble for you in the future, it can easily lead to addiction.
Ok, so hopefully your hangover might not last 48 hours, but you do need to wait this long before drinking again, as your liver and kidneys need time to recover.
Now we hope you do not suffer too long, and are back out and enjoying yourself again soon. If you know of any other cures, please let us know and we’ll add them.