
News and tips

How to stay sane in isolation

With Universities and schools closing and many of us forced to self-isolate, we thought we’d give you some ways to occupy yourself while stuck indoors.

Do get fresh air

The restrictions are not so extreme yet that you cannot go out of your front door! Short walks in the park are ok, so long as you keep a distance from each other. Going into the gardens is fine too. How about a spot of outdoor yoga? As a houseful, if you need to keep self-isolated, why not draw up a rota to use the garden alone for an hour each day?


With the gym’s closing, due to coronavirus, exercising is a little more difficult. However, it is possible. Now is the time to dig out some exercise videos or search you-tube and work out to some tunes.


Who of us does not have Netflix? Have you seen Netflix parties? You start the party by clicking to share. Then, everyone signs in to watch the same show together, and there is even a chat window to discuss the show. Kind of what Twitter was in the old days! Binge-watching has never been so easy.


With exams on hold, for the time being, do not neglect your studying. You do not want to find this has all blown over and you have forgotten loads. If you are up to date and happy, why not check out a small complimentary course online? All this time away from lectures can be spent building knowledge surrounding your degree.


Servers at Xbox felt the strain last week as millions of people started working from home. Thankfully, they seem to have recovered and so, thrashing an online player at your favourite game is still a great way to pass the time. For the more sedate, scrabble, chess and other board games are all online too.

Solo occupations

Did you ever learn to knit? This could be a great time to take up one of the creative skills. Painting, writing, crafts, and reading are all great pastimes.

Mental Health

Do take care of your mental health. Checking multiple times a day, how many have died, is a sure way to damage your mental health. Try and watch more cheery programming. Get one of the many meditation apps, try to do at least one session a day. Setting down your thoughts in a journal may alert you to your feelings. It may feel like a scary time, but try to think of it as an extended summer break. If you need real help, do reach out via student counsellors.

Keep in contact

People may be worrying about you, and you, them. So, pick up the phone, or video call them. Let them see you are fine.