Budgeting on a student loan is really hard, and will in no doubt set you up for a large amount of debt if you let yourself. Here are some outrageous legal ways to save or even make some money.
26 Downright crazy money making/saving tips for students:
- At the start of each year, get yourself along to the Freshers Fairs and bag some free pens, notepads, and other great stationary items, often given away free.
- Go to the toilet at University, or at work, saving on vital toilet paper and water bill (if not all-inclusive).
- Spend evenings at the warm library, you will find it easy to study and save on the bills too.
- Get yourself an NUS extra card and make savings everywhere you go.
- Attend any talks, lectures or open days that have free food, help yourself.
- Go shopping later and snap up all the discounted food
- Collect vouchers together with your housemates
- Buy takeaways together with housemates to save on delivery fees, or get extra freebies with your orders
- Charge your phone at university
- If holidays are coming soon, save all your washing for your mum, she expects it.
- If you have a pat of butter, or sugar sachets served with your meal, save them
- Take tea bags with you and just ask for hot water in cafes.
- Shop at
- Check everything you buy for flaws and talk down the price
- At the end of any contract, for example, your mobile phone, threaten to change phone/internet/tv providers and negotiate a discount
- Pack a lunch and flask to save on buying lunch when at Uni.
- Be a model at the Hairdressing college, get your hair cut cheaper or even free
- Go busking, great if you have talent! (Do check local laws, we want you to stay legal)
- Go ‘Wombling’, that is, scour supermarket carparks for vouchers on receipts that people have discarded
- Volunteer for anything that rewards you, such as learning first aid by volunteering for Red Cross, St John Ambulance.
- Sign up for drug trials that will pay you.
- Make friends, someone always has a birthday party!
- Get a job, where you get free food and make sure your shifts always go over mealtimes.
- Answer surveys online for cash or money off vouchers, use a fake email and pseudonym
- Get a free festival, by offering to work, either litter picking or stewarding.
- See what there is on https://www.freecycle.org/
Please let us know if you know of anymore outrageous legal ways to make money or save it whilst at University.