
News and tips

Students - Start to Go Plastic Free in Sheffield

A quick look on the internet tells us that there are a few ‘plastic-free’ days and that July has been picked at ‘Plastic-Free July’ by western Australia and adopted by many other individuals and countries. So, we thought we would look at ways you can go plastic-free in the UK and particularly in Sheffield.

Zero Waste Shop

You’ll not be on the campus of Sheffield University long before you will be directed to the zero-waste shop at the Students Union. Do not forget to bring your own containers for refilling. There are some containers for sale too.


At the Waitrose deli counter or meat counter, it is possible to hand over your own containers for your purchases to be placed into. The staff are careful not to cross contaminate your containers, and each will be labelled with a sticker on price and expiry date, great for the freezer. Do ask at other supermarkets as this would be great to replicate.


Paper strawsThese are annoying, and its relatively easy to purchase a metal re-useable one or the handy paper ones if you are not keen on trying to clean out a straw after your smoothie. Personally, I do not use a straw full stop.


Most of us do use plastic containers but feel as we re-use them over and over, we are not adding to the growing pile of plastic packaging.  Glass is the preferred second option, as its easy to clean and easily recycled even if broken. Bamboo containers are getting popular too.


Il Gusto does refills of oils, vinegar and spirits and has outlets across the country. Their website has a store locator. Check first to see whether you can refill your own bottle or whether you need to buy one from their store.


To refill washing up liquid, laundry liquid and cleaning products, Ecover has refill stations at some natural foods stores across the country. Splosh is another cleaning refill company, they deliver straight to your door.


Lush has to be mentioned for its own plastic-free attempts, with lots of products available ‘naked’. The creams and toothpaste tabs that do come in plastic tubs are all from recycled plastic and you can hand them all back to the staff. Five black pots will earn you a free face cream as an incentive.

Shop Local

Most local shops, greengrocers and butchers, for example, will allow you to use your own containers and usually offer most things without packaging. I like to shop local as it supports the local community too.

Dairy Delivery

Milk is one of the hardest items to source without a plastic container, whether you drink dairy milk or one of the trendier nut milk. In years gone by doorstop deliveries with recycled and reused glass bottles was the norm. Why not start the trend again? Milk and More offer doorstep deliveries of not just milk in a glass bottle, but also other products too.

It is not easy to go completely plastic free, however making any efforts towards that goal will be appreciated. Let’s see if we can free the oceans of our plastic rubbish in our lifetimes

Plastic free ocean


Sheffield council will be delivering brown bins to all properties in the summer. These bins are for recycling plastics and tins. The current blue bin will stay for paper and card. The black one is for the rest of your household waste.