
News and tips

Time to take advantage of UCAS

This month might be a chance to take advantage of the offers from Universities. Covid-19 has led to a decrease in the numbers of international students. So Universities are desperate for students to enrol on their courses. Is this the time to change?

Late Entry

There seems to be a potential to enter later in the years by doing some quick courses online in the same field as your Degree. Studying Levels 3, 4, and even 5 are possible online, and if you are smart, you could complete before the next uptake.

Change for a better University

If you have had offers already, why not check and see if a better university offers your chosen course. If your first-choice university didn’t accept you, maybe its time to give them a nudge and see if they’ll take you now.

Go for a higher degree

Could you aim higher and go for a Masters, by studying online and then jump straight to the postgraduate. This route has worked for some of my friends, and some masters degrees will take evidence of level 6 study as a prerequisite to entry.

Get enrolled with lower grades

Did you fail to get in last year because of lower grades? Maybe it is worth applying quickly for this year. Universities have lowered their entry grades and might be willing to take a look at yours if you just missed by a grade or two. What you have done in the intervening year can count too.

Have loads of Life experience?

Did you want to go to university but life got in the way? Now maybe the time to use all those life experiences you have, and apply to do a course related to your work. Even if you have only been a parent, childcare courses are available. You could even make the break now and change your direction with a degree in your dream career.

Whatever you choose to do, if you end up studying at Sheffield, we are here to help with accommodation. Plus our blog on University- what is likely to change is here