
News and tips

New Year, New Start, or just a restart?

Oh, dear! Christmas was full of parties and sparkling fun, NYE full of promise. However, along comes #Veganary and #Dryanuary to halt our excesses. Even leaflets for the local gym popping through the letterbox isn’t helping. If that’s not enough, January exams loom and you so forgot to do some revision! So, what is a poor student to do to get on top of everything? Here we shall look at getting your life back on track after the Christmas break and how to plan this next semester.

First Things First!

Getting a plan on paper will clear your mind ready for the tasks ahead. Download your exam schedule, so you have a timescale to work towards.

Clear your desk, clear your mind

Having your desk cleared and your papers, books, and notebooks ready to hand will help to get things clear. Luckily the sales have started so a quick trip to get stationery supplies won’t cost too much. Make sure to get coloured Postits and highlighters to help you bookmark and notate. Plan your revision, we have some great tips here

Get things fresh

By this, I mean change your bedsheets, air your room by opening the window. Then maybe light some fresher scented candles, chuck out those cinnamon and gingerbread cosy smells of Christmas. A bit of a spruce up in your room, making it smell fresh, will also help clear the air and so your thoughts ready for getting some revision done.


Having a clear head is not  bad thing. Especially when revising, so why not plan to give alcohol a miss this month. Get in some fresh clear drinks, such as quality waters or fresh-squeezed juices. If you need to let your hair down, then plan one night out and take it as a break from study.


This popular trend is back, and we have blogged about it in the past, however, you don’t have to partake if you don’t feel you want to. It is a great opportunity to look at the food in your fridge, check the 'eat by' dates and stock up on some fresh food. Planning to eat fresher and more natural foods is something everyone can do at this time of the year. Give your guts a rest after the stuffing it received over Christmas!

Once you have got everything fresh and clean again, you will find that you will feel more yourself again.